OpenStreetMap Latitude: 51.8822358055556, Longitude: 4.22409472222222
BirthMatches 1 to 3 of 3
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
ADMIRAAL, Leentje Jansdr | | Zwartewaal, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands | I3173 |
2 |
MEELDIJK, Elisabeth Arijsdr | Abt 1640 | Zwartewaal, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands | I2586 |
3 |
PIETERS, Gerritje | Abt 1661 | Zwartewaal, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands | I4578 |
ChristenedMatches 1 to 3 of 3
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Christened |
Person ID |
1 |
BERKEL, Annetje Michiels | 17 Apr 1645 | Zwartewaal, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands | I2704 |
2 |
MOERMAN, Jan Willemsz | 3 Dec 1623 | Zwartewaal, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands | I2582 |
3 |
MOERMAN, Maartje Willemsdr | 30 Aug 1628 | Zwartewaal, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands | I4734 |
BuriedMatches 1 to 1 of 1
MarriedMatches 1 to 2 of 2